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Having an Impact!




Water 4 Mercy is transforming the cycle of poverty into ‘Cycles of Success’, by implementing AITeC (Agricultural Innovation and Technology Centers) with Don Bosco Technical Institutes of Africa to sustain through education the changes that Water 4 Mercy is bringing to numerous villages. Water 4 Mercy is sharing Israel’s advanced and innovative knowledge and "Teaching Their Teachers To Teach", ensuring longterm self-sustainability throughout Africa.

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What makes Water 4 Mercy the most successful organization established to help the suffering people of the Sub-Sahara region? Sustainability through Education!

Focusing on the agricultural and water sectors, our Agricultural Innovation and Technology Centers - AITeC - complement Don Bosco Technical Institute’s hands-on vocational curriculum to teach innovative solutions for knowledge development in areas of nutrition sensitivity, climate resilience, income generation, teacher training and youth empowerment.

Students alongside local farmers and extension workers/agents learn self-sustainable best-practices in horticulture and animal husbandry from skilled agronomists for the purpose of improving their undernourished communities' health by “Eating The Rainbow’.


A game-changing agricultural program, AITeC ensures food and nutritional security - it's Revolutionary! In transforming the cycle of poverty into ‘Cycles of Success’, we developed and are implementing Agricultural Innovation & Technology Centers (AITeCs) to sustain, through education, the changes that Water 4 Mercy is bringing to numerous villages.


AITeC sustains the advancement opportunities provided by Water 4 Mercy for the villages we serve through educational and technological advancement and teacher training. Education is the lynchpin of dynamic life-changing opportunity that completely changes lives.

The intent of AITeC is permanent self-sustainability throughout Africa by ‘Teaching Their Teachers to Teach’ and training a new generation of agronomists and growers. We are bringing desert-tested distinguished solar, water and agricultural technology and expertise and sharing knowledge via the largest Catholic skills training school in the world.

AITeC is the much-needed FULCRUM of CHANGE for Africa's agriculture to be built on a truly solid foundation. Learn more about AITeC.

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Impacting Lives for Generations with Water, Food, and Hope

Mwinyi Village

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Mwinyi Village is located in Chamwino District, 50 kilometers away from Dodoma, the capital city of Tanzania. It is home to 5,000 people who used to rely completely on natural wells for their daily water consumption. During the rainy season, women and children walk up to ten kilometers daily to fill their jerry-cans with water. In the dry season, the situation becomes more severe, at times, finding water can take one full day. The water sources used are contaminated, shared with livestock and cause illnesses including Cholera and diarrhea. In April 2019, Innovation: Africa in partnership with Water 4 Mercy, installed a solar water pumping system a Mwiyni Village. In a remarkable donor trip, the taps were officially turned on. For the first time, water ran throughout the village. iA established a water tower with a 10,000-liter water tank and 16 taps distributed throughout the village, the community and two surrounding villages, totaling 5,000 people, now have access to safe water. As a result, people are no longer sick, they are able to wash their hands and drink clean water. Students’ school attendance has greatly increased; people have built brick homes, and established gardens. In December 2019, on a trip with Nermine Khouzam Rubin, Founder & CEO of Water 4 Mercy and CultivAid, iA and Water 4 Mercy installed Drip Irrigation at Mwiyni Village using the solar water pumping system. There has been an improved standard of living and economic situation with the community members selling bricks and even opening a restaurant. Today, the people of Mwinyi Village are living healthier lives.

Mwinyi Village Drip Irrigation

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Mwinyi Village, home to 4,000 people, is located in the Chamwino District, 50 kilometers away from Dodoma. Since the installation of the solar water pumping system in April 2019, people’s health has tremendously improved and villagers have been involved in many economic activities, such as the creation of vegetable gardens. In December 2019, Innovation: Africa in partnership with Water 4 Mercy installed Drip Irrigation at Mwinyi Village. Nermine Khouzam Rubin, Founder & CEO of Water 4 Mercy, together with the technical support from CultivAid, was present as the newly established Drip Irrigation Farm was initiated. The community received seedlings for onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and okra along with one year of comprehensive training by a team of professional agronomists. The lead farmers at Mwiny Village’s farm are refining their skills in crop nutrition, soil and nursery management, pest and disease control, as well as harvesting methods. Today, Mwinyi Village is benefiting from access to safe and clean water as well as food security and economic independence, further improving their health and well-being.

Ndebwe Village

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Ndebwe Village, located 51 kilometers from Dodoma, is home to 4,600 people. This community relies on local natural wells as their only source of water. During the rainy season, the women and children spend up to two hours waiting in line to fill their jerry cans with water. Moreover, the community members are consuming this water, knowing that it is causing stomach diseases. In the dry season, the wells run dry, forcing the women and children to go in search of water. In April 2019, Innovation: Africa constructed a water tower with a 10,000-liter water tank and 28 taps throughout the village. iA brought taps to the primary school, secondary school, and health center in Huzi Village. Today, with access to clean water for drinking, cooking, and bathing as well as for the health center and students, hygiene and health are tremendously improving.

Huzi Village

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Huzi Village is home to 4,323 people. It is remotely situated 89 kilometers away from the capital city of Tanzania in Chamwino District. The community’s access to water is extremely challenging, women spend many hours in search of water. Often, the community is forced to consume contaminated water that causes water-borne illnesses and chronic diarrhea. In August 2020, the lives of those from Huzi Village changed forever when Innovation: Africa, in partnership with Water 4 Mercy, installed a solar-water pumping system, bringing clean water to the entire community today, and for generations to come! Innovation: Africa constructed a water tower with a 10,000-liter water tank and 28 taps throughout the village. iA brought taps to the primary school, secondary school, and health center in Huzi Village. Today, with access to clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing as well as for the health center and students, hygiene and health is tremendously improving.

Maseya Village

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Maseya Village is home to 3,758 people. It is remotely situated, 60 kilometers away from the capital city of Tanzania, in the district of Chamwino. The community’s access to water is extremely challenging. Every day, women walk to a dry riverbed where they dig into the ground in search of water, women wait over 2 hours to fetch this water. In the dry season, the situation worsens as water becomes even more scarce. Women are then forced to walk over 5 kilometers in search of water. This water is extremely contaminated as it is shared with cattle and, as a result, water-borne illnesses are prevalent within the community. Many people suffer from stomach diseases, diarrhea, and typhoid. In November 2020, this difficult situation came to an end when Innovation: Africa, in partnership with Water 4 Mercy, installed a solar water-pumping system at Maseya Village. A 10,000-liter water tank was raised and connected to 22 taps that are distributed throughout the village. A tap was also brought to the local primary school, ensuring that the 475 students have access to safe drinking water while at school. With access to clean water for drinking, cooking, and bathing, the community’s health and hygiene is tremendously improving.

Mapinduzi Village

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Mapinduzi Village, located 60 kilometers from Dodoma, the capital city of Tanzania, is home to 4,257 people. Villagers have no access to clean water and rely on hand-dug wells as their only water source. Every day, women wake up at 3 a.m and walk up to five kilometers in order to reach water. In the dry season, the water sources completely dry up and the women have no choice but to climb rocky and steep mountains for several hours to fetch water. The landscape is extremely dangerous, and sadly, due to rock falls, women and children have died while on their way to collect water. Moreover, this water is extremely contaminated and unsafe for drinking; leading to many cases of stomach diseases, diarrhea, and typhoid. In November 2020, the lives of those from Mapinduzi Village changed forever when Innovation: Africa, in partnership with Peter & Paula Vosotas and Water 4 Mercy, installed a solar-water pumping system, bringing clean water to the entire community! Innovation: Africa constructed a water tower with a 10,000-liter water tank and 20 taps throughout the village, including one tap at the local primary school to ensure school children have access to safe water. Without the need to spend all day fetching water, women have more time to take care of their households and engage in income-generating activities. Moreover, the daily risks of contracting water-borne illnesses have been eliminated. Mapinduzi Village now has safe water, improving their health and hygiene for generations to come!

Mazengo-Handali Village

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Mazengo-Handali Village is remotely located in the Chamwino District, Tanzania, and is home to 3,752 people. The entire community is living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walk 4 kilometers, multiple times a day, to collect water from a contaminated open well. The water source poses extreme dangers with the threat of attacks from wild animals and rape. Water for this community is scarce, in the dry season; the community waits for hours for the water to replenish. Consuming the water causes waterborne illnesses, including diarrhea, Cholera and Typhoid, to be prevalent in the community. In April 2021, 3,752 lives were changed when Innovation: Africa, with the generous support from Roger & Sharon Eschenroeder, Tom Snitzer and Water 4 Mercy, installed a solar water pumping system in Mazengo-Handali Village. Two water towers were built, housing a 10,000-liter water tank and distributing water to 14 taps throughout the village. Access to clean water is revolutionizing Mazengo-Handali Village; the daily risks of contracting waterborne diseases have been eliminated, children have returned to school to receive an education and people are seeing their health and hygiene improve. The well-being and livelihood of the village has been forever transformed.

Mandela Water Project

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Mandela Village, located in Chamwino, Tanzania, is home to 4,072 people with only open wells as a water source. Although the water is contaminated by animal waste, mud, frogs, and poisonous snakes, the community uses it for daily consumption. As a result, hundreds of villagers suffer from water-borne illnesses such as typhoid (259), amoeba (184), and stomach pains (406). Women and children walk long distances, multiple times a day, to collect water. Water is scarce as villagers wait up to an hour for water to replenish. Fetching water is dangerous as many women have suffered from poisonous snake bites. In April 2021 thanks to the generous support of Water4Mercy, the lives of those from Mandela Village changed forever when Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system. Access to clean water is revolutionizing Mandela Village; the daily risks of contracting waterborne diseases have been eliminated and members of the village are now seeing their health, hygiene, and safety improve. The well-being and livelihood of people from Mandela Village have been forever transformed.

Manzilanzi Village

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Manzilanzi Village is home to 1,895 people and remotely located in Chamwino, Tanzania. The entire community was living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walked 4.0km multiple times a day to collect water from a contaminated small open well. The water source runs dry in the dry season, forcing the community to wait for hours or search for other water sources. Consuming water from existing water sources causes waterborne illnesses including amoeba. With generous support from Water4Mercy, on September 30, 2022, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Manzilanzi Village, significantly improving the lives of Manzilanzi Village’s population. Children have returned to school to receive an education. Women are growing gardens, providing food security, and cooking safely. Families are washing their hands, improving general sanitation, and thus becoming healthier. We now see a community developing, growing, and enjoying increased opportunity.

Mabalangu Village

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Mabalangu Village, a home to 1,637 people and remotely located in Chamwino, Tanzania. The entire community was living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walked 3km multiple times a day to collect water from a contaminated local open well scooped on the river stream. The water source runs dry in the dry season, forcing the community to wait for hours or search for other water sources. Consuming water from existing water sources causes waterborne illnesses including diarrhea. With generous support from Water4Mercy, on September 30, 2022, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Mabalangu Village, significantly improving the lives of Mabalangu Village’s population. Children have returned to school to receive an education. Women are growing gardens, providing food security and cooking safely. Families are washing their hands, improving general sanitation and thus becoming healthier. We now see a community developing, growing and enjoying increased opportunity.

Mugu Village

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Mugu Village is home to 2,109 people and is remotely located in Chamwino, Tanzania. The entire community was living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walked 1km multiple times a day to collect water from a contaminated open local well. The water source runs dry in the dry season, forcing the community to wait for hours or search for other water sources. Consuming the water from the existing water sources causes waterborne illnesses, including typhoid. With generous support from Water4Mercy, on December 31, 2022, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Mugu Village, significantly improving the lives of Mugu Village’s population. Children have returned to school to receive an education. Women are growing gardens, providing food security, and cooking safely. Families are washing their hands, improving general sanitation, and thus becoming healthier. We now see a community developing, growing, and enjoying increased opportunity.

Malichela Village

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Malichela Village, home to 1,864 people and remotely located in Chamwino, Tanzania, The entire community was living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walked 3km multiple times a day to collect water from contaminated, small open wells. The water source runs dry in the dry season, forcing the community to wait for hours or search for other water sources. Consuming the water from the existing water sources causes waterborne illnesses, including typhoid . With the generous support from Water4Mercy, Diana & Kerry Helinger, on December 25, 2022, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Malichela Village, significantly improving the lives of Malichela Village’s population. Children have returned to school to receive an education. Women are growing gardens, providing food security, and cooking safely. Families are washing their hands, improving general sanitation, and thus becoming healthier. We now see a community developing, growing, and enjoying increased opportunity.

Iyoyo Village

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Iyoyo Village, with 3,229 residents in remote Chamwino, Tanzania, lacked access to clean water. Women and girls walked 2 km daily to contaminated open wells, leading to waterborne illnesses. Thanks to Water4Mercy's support in July 2023, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system. This transformed Iyoyo Village: children returned to school, women cultivated gardens for food security and safe cooking, and families improved hygiene. Now, the community thrives with increased opportunities.

Ausia Village

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I am delighted to share that the official handover of the water project at Ausia Village recently took place, and thanks to you, the 3,021 community members now have safe and clean water for the first time in their lives! The community members were truly overjoyed, and the trainees who participated in the construction process were proud of their contribution. Their newfound skills will not only help them with future employment opportunities but will also help with the long-term sustainability of the water project, as we have now ensured that members of this village will know how to maintain the system and conduct any small repairs that may be required in the years to come.

Damai Village

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I am delighted to share that the official handover of the water project at Damai Village recently took place, and thanks to you, the 4,443 community members now have safe and clean water for the first time in their lives! The community members were truly overjoyed, and the trainees who participated in the construction process were proud of their contribution. Their newfound skills will not only help them with future employment opportunities but will also help with the long-term sustainability of the water project, as we have now ensured that members of this village will know how to maintain the system and conduct any small repairs that may be required in the years to come.

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Water 4 Mercy is a 501(c)(3) and relies on your generous gifts to continue reaching people who are dying of thirst and hunger in Africa. EIN: 83-1742012

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Water 4 Mercy, Inc.
3026 Oakmont Drive
Clearwater, FL 33761


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